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The House of Gozer Podcast - Geek pop culture

Join these OG geeks as they discuss the latest news from the world of Geek Pop Culture from all corners of genres. Plus TV news, Comic Book News, Toys, Games and so much more. If you like your geek news with a touch of anarchy, this podcast is for you.

Mar 1, 2016

It's time for full on geek pop culture news delivered with as much gusto as sleep deprivation will allow. Pacific Rim 2 gets a green light. Batman V Superman's gets R rated and Metropolis and Gotham City get on the shortlist. What's the shortlist you ask. The answers are right here. Plus the guys are talking The X-files season 10 finale, Zoom's Identity on The Flash, Richonne and The Mist is coming to Spike TV and and why hasn't DC or Marvel made any lasting characters in the last 30 years? All this and everything you would expect from the House of Gozer Podcast.