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The House of Gozer Podcast - Geek pop culture

Join these OG geeks as they discuss the latest news from the world of Geek Pop Culture from all corners of genres. Plus TV news, Comic Book News, Toys, Games and so much more. If you like your geek news with a touch of anarchy, this podcast is for you.

May 25, 2021

This week Zack Snyder returns to the dead genre with Army of The Dead for Netflix. Does he deliver on the mayhem, blood, and slow-motion? Christian gives a spoiler-free review. Paul Dano's Riddler mask is revealed this week and it's a huge departure from what was expected. That and Sony's first trailer for Venom:...

May 11, 2021

This week. Brian the real MK expert finally weighs in on Mortal Kombat. Was it a Flawless Victory or a Fan Fatality? It's that time again as May the 4th brings us the latest series from Lucasfilm on Disney Plus- The Bad Batch. The gang weighs is and last but not least Marvel Studios surprises us all this week with...