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The House of Gozer Podcast - Geek pop culture

Join these OG geeks as they discuss the latest news from the world of Geek Pop Culture from all corners of genres. Plus TV news, Comic Book News, Toys, Games and so much more. If you like your geek news with a touch of anarchy, this podcast is for you.

Jul 2, 2019

In this week's headlines Batman turns 30, WB gets a new president and DC’s is as indecisive as ever. Big surprise. Stranger things season 3 is just around the corner what surprises does the new season hold? Joe Hill and DC comics join forces to scare the shit out of you, not that the DCU movies haven't done that already. Speaking of DC movies were cracking the seal on a brand new segment where we try to decipher the crazy internet rumors that creep into news feeds everywhere, it’s called News or No, where and it's debut is very DC heavy, Supergirl, WW 84, and much much more all this week on your source for geek pop culture, The House of Gozer Podcast.

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